Cricut DesignStudio

Utforska, designa, och klippa hela Cricut Patron Bibliotek.

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Det är ett nytt och spännande sätt att ansluta din ursprungliga Cricut eller Cricut Expression maskin till din dator!

Med hjälp av en på skärmen skärmatta, ger detta program dig möjlighet att utforska, designa, och klippa hela Cricut Patron Bibliotek. Vad Du Ser Är Vad Du Klipper! Med ett användarvänligt gränssnitt och möjligheten att spara dina innovativa skapelser, kommer du att upptäcka att Cricut DesignStudio är ett måste komplement till din Cricut cutting system!

Cricut DesignStudio innehåller en elektronisk insamling av varje bild som finns inom Cricut patron bibliotek. Med enkla och snabba sökningar med nyckelord kan du söka genom 1000-tals bilder som finns för att hitta den perfekta bokstaven, form, eller en fras som kommer att förvandla ditt projekt till en ny fantastisk skapelse! Online-uppdateringar kommer också att hålla Cricut DesignStudio försedd med nytt innehåll som blivit tillgängligt, så att du kan utforska den senaste och största Cricut patroner!

Ta med Cricut design till din egen hantverks studio! Genom att använda skär-mattan på skärmen , kan du designa din unika skär-layout genom att flytta, omorganisera, rotera, ändra storlek, skevning, svetsning och bokstäver, former och fraser från vilken tillgänglig Cricut patron som helst. Spara enkelt dina unika layouter för senare användning, eller för att dela med andra!

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tillförlitlig NEDLADDNING 48.8 MB
Provo Craft & Novelty
Dawn Förra året

I have been given an old Cricut Personal machine and the design studio software, I can't seem to get it to connect up. Is it possible to do?

Cindy 11 månader sedan

Dawn, I would love to know too!

BobM 11 månader sedan

Things I forgot to mention: libcutter is free but you'll have to find it. Cricut's Design Space will not work, you'll be cutting things directly from Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL). You'll need the George cartridge that came with your machine. Design Studio will be operated in trial mode and only to update the device firmware. Most importantly, unless you are ok with your items being cut into strips, this is only for those willing to invest more money into their old Cricut. I do not know of a way to do this without SCAL.

Debbie 2 år sedan

I have a Cricut Expression, can someone tell what I need to do to be able to connect to the computer?

beatrice 2 år sedan

I purchased the SCAL5 in 2020 and was able to print with no issues. I have started using it again and it freezes while printing. I have updated the firmware on my Cricut several times and only once did I see a message about "enhanced file" or something not working. Would anyone know what this is? I have sent a message to Craftedge but no response yet. Can anyone add any advice as to why it locks while printing?

Marie 2 år sedan

beatrice, I recently got an older version of Cricut Expression 2. I was thinking to get the SCAL software, but I read I need the DesignStudio software for the firmware to make it work. When you said you had issues with “Printing”, that means you are unable to cut anymore?Hope you’ll get someone to help you any soon and get that issue fix, if not, without SCAL the machine won’t work for cutting my own designs.

Not a chance Förra året

Marie, the bad news is that the Expression 2 only works with online software that Cricut discontinued when Adobe stopped supporting Flash because of security risks. Expression 1, Cake, Cake Mini, Personal, Create, all work with SCAL once you upgrade the firmware using the demo version of Design Studio, which you can still download - you just can't authorize it. Sadly, the Expression 2 does not, nor does the Mini. Expression 2 can still work with cartridges, if you can find them. Mini is a doorstop. Blame the Cricut folks for abandoning product lines they hyped to the nines when they were new.

Nope 11 månader sedan

Not a chance, would you be willing to share where someone could find the download for the demo version of Design Studio that lets you upgrade the firmware of the Cake Mini? The software I just downloaded seems to only have firmware updates available for the Personal Cutter, Expression, and Create...

Paul 11 månader sedan

What version of the firmware is now on your Cake Mini? If your firmware is release 1.51-1.54, you shouldn't have to update it.

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